How To Look After Yourself During Lockdown

Apr 6, 2020 | 3 min read
Hey! I'm Kathy and I study a Master of Dietetics. I believe food nourishes not only our bodies, but also our minds. Everything in moderation. You can follow me @balanceyourplate for all things food!

Top tips on adjusting to what will be your new ‘norm’ over the next few weeks. From peanut slab recipes to advice on how to deal with family members/flatmates.

1. Maintain some sense of routine

Just because you are working from home doesn’t mean you should completely let go of your routine. Having some structure can actually be a source of comfort and predictability when there is so much unknown in our current environment. 

Don’t feel the pressure to fill every hour with something productive, but it’s still important to eat and sleep regularly, and move your body in some way (even if it’s just a walk around the block). 

2. Write down a list of things to do which you normally “don’t have time” for 

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash                

Whether it is a movie or series you have been meaning to watch, a new recipe to try or maybe even something kind of boring like deep cleaning your wardrobe. Make the most of this opportunity to do some things you enjoy, without feeling like you are wasting precious time.

Some things on my list include…

  • Declutter photos on my camera roll – save important photos to an album to print physical copies of later.
  • Journal – this whole experience is something worth documenting.
  • Make risotto – recipe says to stand at the stove for 30 minutes stirring and slowly adding ladlefuls of stock to the rice? Yessir, can do.

Helpful online resources include the public library’s range of eBooks if you are wanting to get in some reading or this article full of cooking inspo (including 89 recipes with 5 ingredients or less).

3. Find creative ways to make up for the things you miss ‌

Picture credit                

We all know the importance of this lockdown, and our position of privilege to be safely indoors, looking at quarantine memes and  having “nothing to do”. But it’s also okay to have selfish thoughts from time-to-time, about missing going out for brunch, the gym, or having to cancel a birthday celebration.

So… why not recreate that at home?

  • Have a dinner party over video call – everyone chooses the same recipe to cook, then eat it together (preferably with a glass of wine or two). It’s like Come Dine With Me except if someone messes up the recipe, no one else has to suffer the consequences.
  • Join Instagram Live workout sessions – if you’re like me and enjoyed the social, community vibe of classes at the gym, go and find trainers who are hosting live workout classes.
  • Recreate your favourite cafe/restaurant meals for your family or flatmates – now is the time to perfect poached eggs, attempt bagels from scratch or make your own sushi rolls. Just be sure to check you have all the ingredients on hand, or make a list for your next supermarket trip.